BY ROGER EBERT / March 12, 2004
"Spartan" opens without any credits
except its title, but I quickly knew it was written by David
Mamet because nobody else hears and writes dialogue the way
he does. That the film tells a labyrinthine story of betrayal and
deception, a con within a con, also stakes out Mamet territory.
But the scope of the picture is larger than Mamet's usual canvas:
This is a thriller on a global scale, involving the Secret Service,
the FBI, the CIA, the White House, a secret Special Ops unit and
Middle Eastern kidnappers.
Such a scale could lend itself to one of those big, clunky action
machines based on 700-page best sellers that put salesmen to sleep
on airplanes. But no. Not with Mamet, who treats his action plot
as a framework for a sly, deceptive exercise in the gradual approximation
of the truth.
Before I get to the plot, let me linger
on the dialogue. Most thrillers have simple-minded characters
who communicate to each other in primary plot points ("Cover
me." "It goes
off in 10 minutes." "Who are you working for?") "Spartan" begins
by assuming that all of its characters know who they are and what
they're doing, and do not need to explain this to us in thriller-talk.
They communicate in elliptical shorthand, in shop talk, in trade
craft, in oblique references, in shared memories; we can't always
believe what they say, and we don't always know that. We get involved
in their characters and we even sense their rivalries while the
outline of the plot is still murky. How murky we don't even dream.
Kilmer, in his best performance since "Tombstone," plays
a Special Ops officer named Scott, who as the movie opens is
doing a field exercise with two trainees: Curtis (Derek
Luke), and Jackie Black (Tia
Texada). He's called off on assignment after the daughter
of the president is kidnapped. The Secret Service was supposed
to be guarding her, but ... what went wrong is one of the movie's
O'Neill plays an agent in charge of the search for the daughter, William
H. Macy is a political operative from the White House, and
it turns out that the daughter, Laura Newton (Kristen Bell),
was taken for reasons that are not obvious, by kidnappers you
would not guess, who may or may not know she is the president's
daughter. Kilmer's assignment: Go anywhere and get her back by
any means necessary. Curtis and Jackie want to get involved,
too, but Kilmer doesn't want them, which may not be the final
word on the subject.
And that is quite enough of the plot. It
leaves me enjoying the way Mamet, from his earliest plays to
his great films like "House
of Games," "Wag
the Dog," "Homicide" and "The
Spanish Prisoner," works like a magician who uses words
instead of cards. The patter is always fascinating, and at right
angles to the action.
He's like a magician who gets you all involved in his story about
the King, the Queen and the Jack, while the whole point is that
there's a rabbit in your pocket. Some screenwriters study Robert
McKee. Mamet studies magic and confidence games. In his plots,
the left hand makes a distracting movement, but you're too smart
for that, and you quick look over at the right hand to spot the
trick, while meanwhile the left hand does the business while still
seeming to flap around like a decoy. |
The particular pleasure of "Spartan" is
to watch the characters gradually define themselves and the plot
gradually emerge like your face in a steamy mirror. You see the
outlines, and then your nose, and then you see that somebody
is standing behind you, and then you see it's you -- so who is
the guy in the mirror? Work with me here. I'm trying to describe
how the movie operates without revealing what it does.
H. Macy, who has been with Mamet since his earliest theater
days, is an ideal choice for this kind of work. He always seems
like the ordinary guy who is hanging on for retirement. He's
got that open, willing face, and the flat, helpful voice with
sometimes the little complaint in it, and in "Spartan," he
starts out with what looks like a walk-on role (we're thinking
David found a part for his old pal) and ends up walking away
with it. Val
Kilmer, a versatile actor who can be good at almost anything
(who else has played Batman and John Holmes?), here plays lean
and hard, Sam Jackson style. His character is enormously resourceful
with his craft, but becomes extremely puzzled about what he can
do safely, and who he can trust. Derek
Luke, a rising star with a quiet earnestness that is just
right here, disappears for a long stretch and then finds out
something remarkable, and Tia
Texada, in the Rosario
Dawson role, succeeds against all odds in actually playing
a woman soldier instead of a sexy actress playing a woman soldier.
I like the safe rooms with the charts on the walls, and I like
the casual way that spycraft is explained by being used, and the
way Mamet keeps pulling the curtain aside to reveal a new stage
with a new story. I suppose the last scene in the film will remind
some of our friend the deus ex machina, but after reflection,
I have decided that, in that place, at that time, what happens
is about as likely to happen as anything else, maybe likelier.
Cast & Credits
Scott: Val
Curtis: Derek
Laura Newton: Kristen Bell
Stoddard: William
H. Macy
Burch: Ed
Jackie Black: Tia
Warner Bros. Pictures presents a film written and directed by David
Mamet. Running time: 106 minutes. Rated (for violence and
language). |